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Samos island's inspiration

Writer: Stella SevastopoulosStella Sevastopoulos

I have been visiting the Aegean island of Samos every summer since I was born. Although I was born and raised in England, my parents, 'fanatic' Samians, would return to their birth place every summer, taking of course my brother and I with them. This installed in us a great love of this beautiful island. But it is indeed a wonderful place that has continued to inspire me in my art. At the moment I am creating a series of larger acrylic works of Samian scenes, and hopefully, one day, they will be part of an exhibition. Here, you can see some of them, together with many watercolours that have been created en plein air during my summers on the island. Many artists have escaped to some beautiful paradise and have found inspiration there for their art. Cezanne painted Mont Saint Victoire, Gauguin escaped to Tahiti, Monet created his own paradisical garden in Giverny. For me, Samos is my go to place, where I connect with nature and am inspired to create art. My mermaids series (featured in another blog post, although one example is also included here), is also in-part, inspired by Samos, and the feeling inspired by swimming in its crystal clear sea. Other works that have been inspired by Samos, in a more indirect manner, are some more abstract sea works (such as the 'Aegean' triptych, and the 'Aegean Blues' diptych). In this blog post you can see mainly the landscapes and seascapes of Samos. If you are interested in finding out more about a particular work featured here, or even commissioning me a specific Samian landscape that you love, please feel free to contact me via email (



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